Wednesday, May 27, 2009


To Whom It May Concern: And just like that, the phone went dead. And something else too. But the new day will ressurrect the dead and call upon dormant hearts,  kiss the mouth of the sleeping, suck out the bitter taste. And all will start again. Now you have a choice. Make it happen now. Don't count on the next new morning, each day weighs a little more on the heart and the bone.

by Nili Roberts

This does concern you. Your choice. Don't go back to sleep. Live a thousand dawns within each taste. The day's lips to yours. Kiss back before there is time to count befores and afters, before one more something else is buried beneath another name for separation.

by Jerry Gordon


Blogger Oddblog said...

I wonder if we can suck the dreams out of those asleep if we use just the right amount of inhalation power.

Then, would the next few moments be more colorful or multiversal?

12:30 AM  
Blogger jerry said...

i think any time we get our mouth "close enough" to someone else's mouth, the resulting mingle of breath builds a piece of invisible architecture capable of housing the fleeting people born in those moments of intimacy.

for each kiss or resuscitation, its castle.

8:38 PM  

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